We Have a Breakthrough!

Runs Accounted For is only a few games old and already we have a major breakthrough that I am proud to report! You may notice that in the Brewers/Cubs box score I put a few stats in bold. It is these stats that prompted a major discussion between myself and JoeyD. The situation is as follows: Geovany Soto, the Cubs' catcher, attempted to throw out Jason Kendall at second in the 6th inning. His toss went into the outfield allowing Corey Hart, who was at 3rd base, to easily score.

Our discussion was about what to do with the RAF on that play. Obviously one run scores, but does it really all belong to Hart? He wouldn't have ran home if it wasn't for Soto. For such cases, we have instituted an "Error" category to RAF. Not only does this make sure that errors account for runs, but it also does something even more phenomenal. With a category for errors, individual player RAF can now be calculated using the simple formula of (R+RBI)/2. I have speculated that this formula could be used in the past, but when I tried it on the Brewers last season, I fell 13.5 runs short. I figured it was some sort of calculable error, but thanks to Geovany Soto and Corey Hart, we now know that those 13.5 RAF were due to errors (or other miscellaneous events). This is very exciting as we can now calculate individual player RAF at any time in their season, as well as past RAF!

I hope you stay with us as we continue our examination of Runs Accounted For!!!



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